4 Stars
Lisa Kleypas definitely doesn’t need my crappy little review in order to sell books, so I’ll make this short and sweet and then tell y’all how I ended up arriving terribly late to this party.
Liberty wound up in Welcome, Texas as a kid with her momma and momma’s deadbeat boyfriend. It was in Welcome that she met Hardy – boy next door (and on the wrong side of the tracks) who placed Liberty firmly in the friendzone due to their age difference. Fast-forward a few years and you find a Hardy who still maintains his distance in order to make sure nothing will stop him from blowing the dust off this one horse town, deadbeat boyfriend kicked to the curb, momma dead and Liberty trying her best to raise her baby sister. While working as an apprentice at a high-end salon, Liberty meets Churchill Travis – known around town as a “Sugar Daddy.” You’ll have to read the rest for yourself . . . . .

Oh yes. I did.
I seriously ATE. THIS. THING. UP. Really my only gripe????

Terms of endearment make me want to stab my own eyeholes.
Now let’s talk about how I discovered Sugar Daddy eleven years after it was first published.
I work in a large office and pretty much maintain the status that . . . . .

Therefore, I sit in my hole, do my best to make sure I take more than my fair share of work to counteract the fact that . . . .

And read during my downtime.
Occasionally I get approached by a fearless co-worker who is willing to invade my personal bubble in order to talk books. Usually those people are asking for a suggestion because they know how many books I read and what type of variety I’m interested in. I rarely have anyone brazen enough to suggest what I should read next (because seriously NO I DON’T WANT TO READ YOUR FANFIC OR CHURCH LADY GROUP’S BOOK OF THE MONTH SO GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE). Where was I? Oh yeah the ballsy little lady who told me about Kleypas. I explained that historical romance was not my bag and pretty much that . . . .

And read for pleasure so I actively avoid picking up things I already know I won’t like. But little lady was super persistent and pointed out that Kleypas also writes some contemporary stuff and then went on to explain how they are real-life friends and that she’s simply a wonderful human and I should really give her a shot. So I put my name on the waiting list fully prepared to be a wrongreader and 1 Star this thing and get some rabid fanbase trolling me up the ass on a book I didn’t even WANT to read in the first place and being pretty much like . . . . .

But I loved the G.D. thing. Color me shocked. I can’t wait to read the next one.
Liberty wound up in Welcome, Texas as a kid with her momma and momma’s deadbeat boyfriend. It was in Welcome that she met Hardy – boy next door (and on the wrong side of the tracks) who placed Liberty firmly in the friendzone due to their age difference. Fast-forward a few years and you find a Hardy who still maintains his distance in order to make sure nothing will stop him from blowing the dust off this one horse town, deadbeat boyfriend kicked to the curb, momma dead and Liberty trying her best to raise her baby sister. While working as an apprentice at a high-end salon, Liberty meets Churchill Travis – known around town as a “Sugar Daddy.” You’ll have to read the rest for yourself . . . . .

Oh yes. I did.
I seriously ATE. THIS. THING. UP. Really my only gripe????

Terms of endearment make me want to stab my own eyeholes.
Now let’s talk about how I discovered Sugar Daddy eleven years after it was first published.
I work in a large office and pretty much maintain the status that . . . . .

Therefore, I sit in my hole, do my best to make sure I take more than my fair share of work to counteract the fact that . . . .

And read during my downtime.
Occasionally I get approached by a fearless co-worker who is willing to invade my personal bubble in order to talk books. Usually those people are asking for a suggestion because they know how many books I read and what type of variety I’m interested in. I rarely have anyone brazen enough to suggest what I should read next (because seriously NO I DON’T WANT TO READ YOUR FANFIC OR CHURCH LADY GROUP’S BOOK OF THE MONTH SO GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE). Where was I? Oh yeah the ballsy little lady who told me about Kleypas. I explained that historical romance was not my bag and pretty much that . . . .

And read for pleasure so I actively avoid picking up things I already know I won’t like. But little lady was super persistent and pointed out that Kleypas also writes some contemporary stuff and then went on to explain how they are real-life friends and that she’s simply a wonderful human and I should really give her a shot. So I put my name on the waiting list fully prepared to be a wrongreader and 1 Star this thing and get some rabid fanbase trolling me up the ass on a book I didn’t even WANT to read in the first place and being pretty much like . . . . .

But I loved the G.D. thing. Color me shocked. I can’t wait to read the next one.
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