4 Stars

As the blurb says, this is “Max’s Story.” If you haven’t read The Consequence of Loving Colton that probably means diddly squat. If you have, you have already determined whether you’re like me and totally in love with Max or reacted a bit differently to his character . . .

Being that The Consequence of Revenge is a rom-com, there are only a few options for plotline. The one chosen this go ‘round is the “chauvinist pig meets his match” – and it was delightful. Not only did this book make the bad boy turn good, but it did it while HE WAS ON A REALITY SHOW!!!!!. Reality shows are my kryptonite. Zero defense.
Add in some super clingers Max has to avoid in order to

to the bachelorette who wants to take control of things . . .

to the Amazon who might just be able to break him in half . . .

as well a GOAT!!!!

and this made for quite the adorable little bit of fluff.
Of course, the story wouldn’t be complete without Max meeting his match. Like all NA stories, this one had (quite a bit, actually) of fade-to-black lovin’ . . .

along with the saccharine sweet declaration of
“I’m sure, no, I’m positive, that up until this moment I have been doing life wrong . . . because I haven’t been with you. It hasn’t been with you.”

I love Rachel Van Dyken’s writing. Her stories are perfect reads for poolside (or spending all day at various Little League fields). She writes believable characters, the pace is fast and the humor is abundant. Now, I’m sure mass quantities of “feminists” will soon proclaim this book sets women back a gazillion years or some such, so consider yourself warned if you can’t deal with a womanizing MC. However, if you’re like me, you already know you could kick most guys’ asses, so just have fun with it . . .

and know that Jason and Reid’s stories are still to come.

ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Thank you, NetGalley!
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