5 Stars
“The first thing Eddy Tremont said to me on Saturday afternoon was also the last thing he said to me the day he died.”

Bay’s End is a not-soon-forgotten coming of age story about a group of friends (Trey, Sanders, Candy and Eddy) and the summer before they turned 13 that changed all of their lives forever.
“The monster we speak of doesn’t hide in the shadows or under your bed. He does not reside in any closet or attic. He lives next door. Right there, living life, being just incredibly ordinary. There is one like him in every town. He is your friend, neighbor, church member, and dinner companion. He doesn’t know he is a monster. He sees nothing wrong with what he does. To him, you are the one who is different.”
You’re probably thinking a pox must have fallen upon me since I’m praising two authors within two weeks. I assure you, I have already received my flu shot and am not contagious. My Grinch heart must be-a-growing or sumthin’. *shrug*
I started Bay’s End with pretty low expectations. I generally don’t read reviews until I’ve read a book for myself and I barely glance at a synopsis, so I assumed I was probably getting into some sort of horror story that I would like just fine, but wouldn’t be real Earth-shattering. Well, you know the old saying about what happens when you assume . . .
Edward Lorn blew the socks right off my feet. I realize I’m taking a HUGE risk with the next statement, but I’m telling you, Constant Readers, Bay’s End could have been written by a young King (Lorn himself states that Stephen King is one of his influences, and he has obviously taken notes on the how-to's of writing from the best of the best). Bay’s End was reminiscent of The Body, with flowing dialogue out of thefoul mouths of some sharp-tongued kids. It also featured the only case of insta-love that is ever acceptable, which happens when a new kid moves into the neighborhood. Lorn is 100% spot-on that the “brother from another mother” status of pre-pubescent boys can be solidified in a matter of hours. With sprinkles of awesome early ‘90s pop-culture references added in for good measure and a loyal Cubs fan as Trey’s father, this book was near perfection for me. And for those of you who have read it/will read it and say “butbutbutbut I kinda saw some of the stuff coming,” just remember the story is written from a 12 year old’s perspective. As much as they like think they know everything about everything, that is an age that should be is still naïve when it comes to many grown-up issues. It's getting all the dang stars.
This book currently sits at a measly 135 ratings here on Goodreads . . . . and it’s FREE on Amazon. What the hell are you waiting for? Does someone need to push the one-click button for you too??????

Because I know there’s a chance it will come up, let me clarify my relationship with the author. I don’t friend/accept friend requests from many authors – including Edward Lorn. At some point he popped up enough on my feed that I began to follow him, but never requested his friendship. At some point in his Goodreads-ing I popped up enough that he began to follow me as well, but never requested my friendship either. So in case you are wondering - or preparing to accuse me of being an “Edward Lorn Shill” – that is not the case. We mutually cyberstalk each other and that is it.

Bay’s End is a not-soon-forgotten coming of age story about a group of friends (Trey, Sanders, Candy and Eddy) and the summer before they turned 13 that changed all of their lives forever.
“The monster we speak of doesn’t hide in the shadows or under your bed. He does not reside in any closet or attic. He lives next door. Right there, living life, being just incredibly ordinary. There is one like him in every town. He is your friend, neighbor, church member, and dinner companion. He doesn’t know he is a monster. He sees nothing wrong with what he does. To him, you are the one who is different.”
You’re probably thinking a pox must have fallen upon me since I’m praising two authors within two weeks. I assure you, I have already received my flu shot and am not contagious. My Grinch heart must be-a-growing or sumthin’. *shrug*
I started Bay’s End with pretty low expectations. I generally don’t read reviews until I’ve read a book for myself and I barely glance at a synopsis, so I assumed I was probably getting into some sort of horror story that I would like just fine, but wouldn’t be real Earth-shattering. Well, you know the old saying about what happens when you assume . . .
Edward Lorn blew the socks right off my feet. I realize I’m taking a HUGE risk with the next statement, but I’m telling you, Constant Readers, Bay’s End could have been written by a young King (Lorn himself states that Stephen King is one of his influences, and he has obviously taken notes on the how-to's of writing from the best of the best). Bay’s End was reminiscent of The Body, with flowing dialogue out of the
This book currently sits at a measly 135 ratings here on Goodreads . . . . and it’s FREE on Amazon. What the hell are you waiting for? Does someone need to push the one-click button for you too??????

Because I know there’s a chance it will come up, let me clarify my relationship with the author. I don’t friend/accept friend requests from many authors – including Edward Lorn. At some point he popped up enough on my feed that I began to follow him, but never requested his friendship. At some point in his Goodreads-ing I popped up enough that he began to follow me as well, but never requested my friendship either. So in case you are wondering - or preparing to accuse me of being an “Edward Lorn Shill” – that is not the case. We mutually cyberstalk each other and that is it.