4 Stars
How Hard Can It Be? H.A.R.D. No one ever said being a mom was easy, but try being a mom pushing 50 who has been attempting to raise semi-functional humans and finds herself trying to re-enter the workplace thanks to a combination of a giant manchild of a husband who has decided riding his bicycle and taking classes is his new passion rather than going to a paying gig every day and an old “fixer upper” of a house that has morphed into something more like this . . . .

What’s a girl to do? The only thing she can. Blow the dust off her old CV, commit a little bit of white lying by knocking seven years off her age on all of her job applications and invest in some new undergarments . . . . .

Oh Kate, I have something I need to say to you . . . .

If you enjoyed Bridget Jones (well, you know, up to the point where she had some miracle baby at 50+ years old and the thing crapped the bed), this might be for you. I kept thinking this is how Bridget’s life would have turned out if she had married Daniel Cleaver. She would have remained a highly functioning dysfunctional crazyperson – he would have maybe pulled his act together up to the point where he had a midlife crisis and then everything would start to fall apart . . . hilariously. And if nothing else, we could ALL take a little comfort in the fact that . . .
"No matter how old I am, Madonna will always be older than me."
I’m pretty sure this is the summer of the “mom com” for me. I’ve read like three of them in the past couple of weeks and they have each been such a delight. I have not yet read I Don’t Know How She Does It (this book’s predecessor), but didn’t feel like I missed out on anything as this worked perfectly as a standalone. I am happy there’s more by Allison Pearson, however, because apparently smiling is now my favorite (well, and porn and stabby stuff, but whodathunk I’d like all this mommy shit, right?).
Many thanks to St. Martin’s Press for providing an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.
How Hard Can It Be? H.A.R.D. No one ever said being a mom was easy, but try being a mom pushing 50 who has been attempting to raise semi-functional humans and finds herself trying to re-enter the workplace thanks to a combination of a giant manchild of a husband who has decided riding his bicycle and taking classes is his new passion rather than going to a paying gig every day and an old “fixer upper” of a house that has morphed into something more like this . . . .

What’s a girl to do? The only thing she can. Blow the dust off her old CV, commit a little bit of white lying by knocking seven years off her age on all of her job applications and invest in some new undergarments . . . . .

Oh Kate, I have something I need to say to you . . . .

If you enjoyed Bridget Jones (well, you know, up to the point where she had some miracle baby at 50+ years old and the thing crapped the bed), this might be for you. I kept thinking this is how Bridget’s life would have turned out if she had married Daniel Cleaver. She would have remained a highly functioning dysfunctional crazyperson – he would have maybe pulled his act together up to the point where he had a midlife crisis and then everything would start to fall apart . . . hilariously. And if nothing else, we could ALL take a little comfort in the fact that . . .
"No matter how old I am, Madonna will always be older than me."
I’m pretty sure this is the summer of the “mom com” for me. I’ve read like three of them in the past couple of weeks and they have each been such a delight. I have not yet read I Don’t Know How She Does It (this book’s predecessor), but didn’t feel like I missed out on anything as this worked perfectly as a standalone. I am happy there’s more by Allison Pearson, however, because apparently smiling is now my favorite (well, and porn and stabby stuff, but whodathunk I’d like all this mommy shit, right?).
Many thanks to St. Martin’s Press for providing an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.
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