3 Stars
At this point I’m THIRTEEN reviews behind and a bigly chunk of those left to be reviewed are romance novels . . . .

Which loosely translated I’m pretty sure means fuck my life.
Normally I try to keep myself motivated (especially when it comes to books of the porny/rom com varieties) by gif hunting simultaneously while reading. The only thing I found myself inspired to seek out while reading My Best Friend’s Ex was this one after the ever-so-popular “sexy boy haircut” was described . . . .

(That’s fucking funny right there.)
However, that ain’t sayin’ much when it comes to how this one impacted the ol’ sploosh factory.
I’m going to start by saying I have no clue what the over/under is when it comes to how quickly romance writers churn out stories. All I know is my experience has been: (1) I find an author who already has eleventy-three published books and then I pester the porny librarian until she buys at least some of them for me since I am poor; (2) I score an ARC because I am a shameless whore when it comes to smut and also because of poor as above-mentioned; or (3) I find an author and fall in love with her series, spend some of my own dollars when the porny librarian tells me enough is enough (despite state of being poor as stated in 1 and 2) and have to wait infinity + 1 for the book I’m dying for to be released (IN CASE YOU CAN’T TELL, I’M LOOKING AT YOU HERE, PENNY REID!!).
Unfortunately for Meghan Quinn, she’s kind of an exception to the rule in that I discovered her stuff right from the beginning. In 2017 Quinn has released all four books in this series and, for me, that is just . . . .

Absence truly might make my fickle heart grow fonder. Now, in Quinn’s defense, she puts her stuff on sale A LOT and I only had to drop $1.20 on this one (thanks Rachel for the head’s up and also, I think everything is on Kindle Unlimited so it’s free to any of you who have that).
I’m giving this one 3 Stars because it was perfectly okaaaaaaaay and a lot of the issues I had were probably mine alone since I’m an addict who can’t say no to authors I have grown to love. So let’s talk about my problems with this so you can confirm I read it wrong and go buy a copy for yourself, shall we?
#1. Meghan Quinn and I obviously don’t see eye to eye when it comes to covers. And yes, I very much realize that I’m over here looking like this while being all judgey . . . .

It is what it is. Give me a faceless dude with abs that could cut a diamond if you want me to hit the one-click without even knowing anything about the story/author.
#2. Tropes that aren’t my cuppa. This one had a few of my not-so-faves – the “homeless so let’s be roommates” as well as the “broken and need a magicpeen vagina to fix me” combined with the “not looking for a girlfriend” annnnnnnnd the title trope of hooking up with a friend’s former boyfriend. First of all, I’ve read the “need a place to stay” trope a time or twelve before and it can work fine for me if the reason for the homelessness is believable. When the story covers WHAT I FREAKING DO FOR A LIVING and is not accurate my brain becomes a giant asshole and spends the remainder of the book going . . . .

Next, I can give a pass to the trope of a superbadawful happened that a person is having a hard time getting over. Buuuuuuuuut, the second I move into your house and you tell me I am not allowed to go into a certain room Imma wait ‘til you leave for work and be all like . . . . .

I mean for real, you wouldn’t at least ask WTF was going on? What if it was a red room of pain *shudder*?????
Then there’s the we’re just buddies, but let’s have these weird house rules where we have dinner together a whole bunch and have SEX TALKS at least once a week. Nobody does that . . . .

Which leads to the getting together with your supposed bestie’s high school sweetheart who not only was someone you always had the impression was not the greatest dude in the world, but who you didn’t even have the courtesy of talking to your friend about before you started thinking about how much you wanted to shove your tongue down his throat. Maybe I’m old fashioned, but whatever happened to . . . .

Allllllllll that being bitched and whined about, I still highly recommend Meghan Quinn. The Mother Road and The Virgin Romance Novelist were both laugh-out-loud funny and the entire “Stroked” series was good – especially Stroked Hard.

Which loosely translated I’m pretty sure means fuck my life.
Normally I try to keep myself motivated (especially when it comes to books of the porny/rom com varieties) by gif hunting simultaneously while reading. The only thing I found myself inspired to seek out while reading My Best Friend’s Ex was this one after the ever-so-popular “sexy boy haircut” was described . . . .

(That’s fucking funny right there.)
However, that ain’t sayin’ much when it comes to how this one impacted the ol’ sploosh factory.
I’m going to start by saying I have no clue what the over/under is when it comes to how quickly romance writers churn out stories. All I know is my experience has been: (1) I find an author who already has eleventy-three published books and then I pester the porny librarian until she buys at least some of them for me since I am poor; (2) I score an ARC because I am a shameless whore when it comes to smut and also because of poor as above-mentioned; or (3) I find an author and fall in love with her series, spend some of my own dollars when the porny librarian tells me enough is enough (despite state of being poor as stated in 1 and 2) and have to wait infinity + 1 for the book I’m dying for to be released (IN CASE YOU CAN’T TELL, I’M LOOKING AT YOU HERE, PENNY REID!!).
Unfortunately for Meghan Quinn, she’s kind of an exception to the rule in that I discovered her stuff right from the beginning. In 2017 Quinn has released all four books in this series and, for me, that is just . . . .

Absence truly might make my fickle heart grow fonder. Now, in Quinn’s defense, she puts her stuff on sale A LOT and I only had to drop $1.20 on this one (thanks Rachel for the head’s up and also, I think everything is on Kindle Unlimited so it’s free to any of you who have that).
I’m giving this one 3 Stars because it was perfectly okaaaaaaaay and a lot of the issues I had were probably mine alone since I’m an addict who can’t say no to authors I have grown to love. So let’s talk about my problems with this so you can confirm I read it wrong and go buy a copy for yourself, shall we?
#1. Meghan Quinn and I obviously don’t see eye to eye when it comes to covers. And yes, I very much realize that I’m over here looking like this while being all judgey . . . .

It is what it is. Give me a faceless dude with abs that could cut a diamond if you want me to hit the one-click without even knowing anything about the story/author.
#2. Tropes that aren’t my cuppa. This one had a few of my not-so-faves – the “homeless so let’s be roommates” as well as the “broken and need a magic

Next, I can give a pass to the trope of a superbadawful happened that a person is having a hard time getting over. Buuuuuuuuut, the second I move into your house and you tell me I am not allowed to go into a certain room Imma wait ‘til you leave for work and be all like . . . . .

I mean for real, you wouldn’t at least ask WTF was going on? What if it was a red room of pain *shudder*?????
Then there’s the we’re just buddies, but let’s have these weird house rules where we have dinner together a whole bunch and have SEX TALKS at least once a week. Nobody does that . . . .

Which leads to the getting together with your supposed bestie’s high school sweetheart who not only was someone you always had the impression was not the greatest dude in the world, but who you didn’t even have the courtesy of talking to your friend about before you started thinking about how much you wanted to shove your tongue down his throat. Maybe I’m old fashioned, but whatever happened to . . . .

Allllllllll that being bitched and whined about, I still highly recommend Meghan Quinn. The Mother Road and The Virgin Romance Novelist were both laugh-out-loud funny and the entire “Stroked” series was good – especially Stroked Hard.
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