3 Stars
My first official buddy read with the Non-Crunchy Cool Classic Pantsless ones . . .

Turns out they picked kind of a crunchy one. I should have known those bastages were just trying to trick me! The Haunting of Hill House wasn’t awful, but it was most definitely a slow roller and more of an eerie tale rather than a scary one. It was most definitely NOT a work of “unnerving terror” as the blurb would lead you to believe. Instead, it was the story of a group who have been brought together to determine whether the rumors of Hill House being haunted are true . . .

But first – they have to get there . . . .

Actually there was quite an abundance of showing and telling with respect toWinchester Mystery Hill House. If you aren’t a fan of hearing all there is to know about dimity drapes and enamel dishware, you might find yourself nodding off. Once the story got rolling, things did start going bump in the night. Or did they????? *dun dun DUNNNNNNN!* Was the paranormal to blame, or was it all just a result of being . . .

The Haunting of Hill House didn’t quite stand the test of time like We Have Always Lived in the Castle did. However, it still wasn’t awful. I found the droll tone of all of the characters quite entertaining and at under 200 pages it was certainly a quick enough read – even with all of the sharing of the boring details. Stuff like:
“Journeys end in lovers meeting.”
I’m telling you - DO NOT take a drink every time you come across that f-ing phrase . . .

Many thanks to the population from the Island of Misfit Toys for allowing me to join their ragtag group. The combination of me inviting myself to their party so late and the fact that keeping the Pantsless Ones on topic is kind of like herding cats has led me to not even being positive who is or isn’t reading this one. That being said, some of the people who may or may not be participating in this read are as follows . . . .
Anne (You can’t see her ‘cause she’s under the water trying to pull Aquaman’s trunks off. Pervert.)

Jeff (He read it wrong, so now he has to buy everyone ice cream.)



The Real Dan

Ron 2.0

Alissa (Note: This image was taken after the announcement of the release of Twilight 7.4 - This Time It's Personal.)

Tadiana, Ginger, and Kristin


Christopher (Who has made it a point to read everything EXCEPT this book.)

My apologies to anyone I failed to mention and many thanks for allowing me to crash the party (and also to mycurmudgeonly friendly book provider). Up next???? The Turn of the Screw. Hehehehehe - SCREW.
My first official buddy read with the Non-Crunchy Cool Classic Pantsless ones . . .

Turns out they picked kind of a crunchy one. I should have known those bastages were just trying to trick me! The Haunting of Hill House wasn’t awful, but it was most definitely a slow roller and more of an eerie tale rather than a scary one. It was most definitely NOT a work of “unnerving terror” as the blurb would lead you to believe. Instead, it was the story of a group who have been brought together to determine whether the rumors of Hill House being haunted are true . . .

But first – they have to get there . . . .

Actually there was quite an abundance of showing and telling with respect to

The Haunting of Hill House didn’t quite stand the test of time like We Have Always Lived in the Castle did. However, it still wasn’t awful. I found the droll tone of all of the characters quite entertaining and at under 200 pages it was certainly a quick enough read – even with all of the sharing of the boring details. Stuff like:
“Journeys end in lovers meeting.”
I’m telling you - DO NOT take a drink every time you come across that f-ing phrase . . .

Many thanks to the population from the Island of Misfit Toys for allowing me to join their ragtag group. The combination of me inviting myself to their party so late and the fact that keeping the Pantsless Ones on topic is kind of like herding cats has led me to not even being positive who is or isn’t reading this one. That being said, some of the people who may or may not be participating in this read are as follows . . . .
Anne (You can’t see her ‘cause she’s under the water trying to pull Aquaman’s trunks off. Pervert.)

Jeff (He read it wrong, so now he has to buy everyone ice cream.)



The Real Dan

Ron 2.0

Alissa (Note: This image was taken after the announcement of the release of Twilight 7.4 - This Time It's Personal.)

Tadiana, Ginger, and Kristin


Christopher (Who has made it a point to read everything EXCEPT this book.)

My apologies to anyone I failed to mention and many thanks for allowing me to crash the party (and also to my
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