5 Stars
“You’re a goddamn psycho,” he said.
“You and me both, brother.”
First, can I just say that I LOVE being the first of my friends to review a book – especially when they earn all 5 Stars from my stingy self. To all of you who were denied the ARC, I’m so sorry. You must have done simply horrible things in your past life. Lucky for me I’m an angel, so I got approved. Good news is, the publication date has already come and gone so you don’t have to wait any longer in order to score a copy.
Alright, enough with my gloating – let’s get on with the show . . .

^^^See what just happened there???? That’s what I felt like while reading this book. I got myself all geared up for a good slasher story and then WHAM! Totally blindsided.
Now, that’s not to say this wasn’t a stabby stabby selection. On the contrary, it was indeed. It even featured a little something extra . . .

But I’m getting ahead of myself. Brother begins in the heart of Appalachia where we meet the Morrow family – a hermitlike clan who live way back in the sticks. It’s in a farmhouse where we are introduced to Momma and Wade and their children Reb, Michael and Misty Dawn. The time is the late ‘80s, but due to their rural life in Dahlia, West Virginia the record player still spins a variety of Beach Boys, Neil Diamond (yes!), and ABBA and the only company they ever get are the girls Reb and Michael bring home to Momma . . .
“Them’s the perks of livin’ out in the wilderness, Momma had once said. You scream and scream and ain’t nobody around to hear.”

So I was expecting (and received) blood and gore. What I did not plan for was for such a deep story. The getting there is all the fun (???? – if you’re nuts like Mitchell). As for my reaction? I don’t do so well with feelings. They tend to make me all . . . .

This book made me have a lot of them. It also proved once again that . . .
“Sometimes things only make sense in retrospect.”
What a tangled web was woven. Oh and I’m totally getting ready to go there, so all of you haters who think a woman can’t write some seriously f*&^ed up stuff? Keep on keepin’ on. Ania Ahlborn, you ain’t right girl! (And that makes me love you.)THIS is the next motherf*&^ing Gone Girl.
Recommended to? Anyone who finds a two-for-one Groupon for therapy and will share it with me.
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