4 Stars
I feel like I need to provide an instant disclaimer before I even start. I’m not sure there is any way Twist could have earned less than 4 Stars from me simply due to the fact that the meet/cute was driven by . . . . . .

Catfish is my kryptonite. It’s the ultimate timesuck and tiny baby Jeebus please help me if a marathon comes on because I’ll have a bedsore or die of dehydration before I ever even think about removing my fat ass from the sofa. That being said, this was my FIFTH Kylie Scott book, so obviously I kinda have feels for the lady.
Anywho, story here is about Alex andJoe Eric (normal names in a porny story???? what is this fuckery?!?!?!?!) who met on some non-Tinderish dating site (I know what you’re thinking “what’s the point in that?” Samesies.). After talking for months, Alex decides to show up at Eric’s birthday party as a surprise gift he can unwrap in the nearest bedroom, only to discover that although Eric is just as pretty as his online picture, he’s kind of a superdouche . . . and he also doesn’t recognize Alex at all. Enter Joe. He used his brother’s pic instead of his own on said dating site. Whoops. So things go horribly wrong, Alex is embarrassed, Joe wants to apologize, yada yada yada Alex comes down with a terrible flu or some shit and other stuff and things happen that makes her decide to have a do-over with Joe – strictly as friends. You know what that means, right????

This one was just what the doctor ordered for me to escape real life and all its bullshit for a minute. 4 Stars not only for the obvious . . . . .

But also because Joe was described as kind of a big blonde grizzly bear and . . . . .

And not only was Alex a brunette and not a redhead, but she also didn’t whine about body issues or have some kind of rapey past that could only be cured by a magic penis . . . .

Catfish is my kryptonite. It’s the ultimate timesuck and tiny baby Jeebus please help me if a marathon comes on because I’ll have a bedsore or die of dehydration before I ever even think about removing my fat ass from the sofa. That being said, this was my FIFTH Kylie Scott book, so obviously I kinda have feels for the lady.
Anywho, story here is about Alex and

This one was just what the doctor ordered for me to escape real life and all its bullshit for a minute. 4 Stars not only for the obvious . . . . .

But also because Joe was described as kind of a big blonde grizzly bear and . . . . .

And not only was Alex a brunette and not a redhead, but she also didn’t whine about body issues or have some kind of rapey past that could only be cured by a magic penis . . . .

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